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rely on me.
i'm your soul.

I'm a girl who LOVES her friends.
Oh yes, I love Starbucks too :D
And shopping.
And korean & jap songs. Especially Big Bang, 2ne1 & FT island. (y)
AND dont forget, hot asians with blonde hair. LOL (y)

strike out.

I want you.
I wanna be rich.

hearts talking.

alternative exits.

Reyna :D
ShinWei :D
Jing. :D
Raquel. :D
Yae Ber.

my days, not yours.

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

had to go for a theatre show for dance yesterday night at malthouse theater.
it was called black marrow.
AND it was the boringest show ive ever seen.
at the end of the show, i was like asking the other girls in my class what they thought of the show, and they were like that was a massive sexfest LOL
and if u guys wanna try out new positions with ur boyfriend, just follow what they did in the show.
it was so so bad :\
when they were like on the stage doing u know what, i was like covering my eyes, saying to steph, omg this is MA15+ and im not 15 yet.
and all the adults there around me were like glued to what was happening on stage.
yuck yuck yuck :\
i cant blief we had to pay 30 bucks for that stupid show.
shouldnt have gone. ishh
the only fun part abt the whole thing was taking pics before the show started. :D

11:55 PM

Saturday, October 17, 2009

wtf wtf wtf wtf.
i want a new computer.
its the 2nd time its crashed this year. shit damn it.
acer is a shitty brand. i want an apple or a sony.
cant wait to get a new comp when i go back this year.
all my songs everything videos, ALL GONE.
and its too expensive to fix it here.
ishh have to share a comp with my sis right now.
in a very very bad mood right now. grrr so pissed >:\

11:43 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009

the year 12's had muck up day yesterday.
it was so so awesome 8D
for those who dont know what muck up day is, its a day where the year 12's finish their schooling days and get to do whatever they want LOL
well they cant do anything too extreme though. :D
our school hired security guards the day before so that the year 12's wont be able to trash the school haha.
cause the year before during the night, they threw eggs at the school and the whole school was like filled with broken eggs the next day LOL
the year 12's threw paint all over the toilets this year. and the teachers had to close up the toilets.
haha but then luckily they hired cleaners, and after a while, we could use the toilets again :D
everyone dressed so awesomely LOL
there were a few people who dressed as farmers and they brought a sheep to school.
HAHA picture this a few guys in farmer clothes and everything pulling the sheeep across the road.
everyone was LOL-ing so hard.
there were also a few guys who painted their top blue, and wore super super super tight leggings. LOL. and socks on their head. like smurfs. :Pmy favourite was a guy dressed as pacman, he was super super awesome
and he made the pacman costume by himself. with cardboard :D
haha spot the pacman. LOL :P
and theres also a guy above in the pic, dressed as snow white. HAHA SO FUNNY.
cause well, he's a guy. HAHA
there were people dressed as sesame street characters as well. ELMO! :B
steph and I also took a picture with this awesome looking anime character guy.
with his white wig. HOW COOL IS HE?
at first i didnt dare ask him to take a pic with us, but then in the end cathy helped me ask cause she knows him and she was like hey josh my friends wants to take a pic with you.
and he was sure why not. HAHA and he put his arm around me YAYAYAYAY LOL

unfortunately, we had to wear our school uniform, D:
well we'll have to wait for our turn when we get to year 12 :D
wonder what i'll wear. hmm.

haha well i think i'll probably wear something funny haha cause then it'll be cooler haha.
well theres still 3 more years till then :D

5:50 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

wore my altered summer dress to school today (y)
but it was so windy so i kept on flashing. :\ but i wore shorts underneath so yea.
learnt jazz dance today. it was fun kinda.
we danced to the some chicago play or sth like that.
sara told us that we have to perform at assembly.
but i dont think anyone's gonna do it cause it'll be so embarrassing. :\

oh yea. the exact date im going back to malaysia is 12th dec.
haha only 62 more days left.
but i dont wanna go back so early D:
i'll be missing reihaneh's birthday party. its not fair D:
and i'll be missing all the days of going to the beach and stuff. ish oh well. :\

11:04 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

its so so so cold today :\
its suppose to be spring but its like winter.
i wore my summer uniform to school and almost froze :\
i want sunny weather D: oh well. LOL
i got back my english test results back and i must say, it wasnt as bad as i thought.
hehe :D
xplore was boring as usual.
we had to record our voices and i sounded so weird.
LOL well not really. but urgh
doesnt it sound weird when u hear ur voice playing on the comp?
haha. amy didnt come to school today D:
she told me that she fell off the bike.
tsktsk but the others thought she was wagging.
so mean. lol
but i hope that she'll come tmrw :D
cause we have to finish up our presentation by tmrw.
OMG i havnt started my science cat yet. gonna die gonna die.
better do it now LOL
cyas :D

although i have to hairspray it to school everyday cause it looks better hairsprayed. hehe :D

12:31 AM

Saturday, October 3, 2009

boohoo today is the last day of the hols D:
LOL its so boring i feel so BORED. right shinwei?
i wanna go back KL. its so boring here.
LOL my blog is so boring. better make it interesting hehe :B
moved to the new house during the hols.
its very.. noisy here.
stupid neighbours keep on disturbing me with their laughing and talking.
once, they were playing soccer in the park nxt to my house,
and they kicked it over the fence. and then without asking they just jumped over the fence to get their ball.
stupid stupid stupid rude neighbours LOL
i think im going crazy with boredom over here so dont mind my craziness :D
wheee tmrw i can finally wear my summer uniform.
gotta put cream on my legs. damn dry. :\
after people see then go OMG haih.
LOL cause it'll be all white then my face and hands all tan.
haha :B

people please click on this link > http://www.channelv.com/rde/v/3564_3567.htm
vote for mika nakashima please :P
she is awesome. her songs are the bestest ever.
LOL well not the best but its ok.

does this post make sense to any of u? cause it doesnt to me. oh well.


11:54 PM

Sunday, July 5, 2009


with reihaneh and yekyung.
the place was like outdoors and it was raining and i was like hoping and hoping that it'd be open.
didnt buy much. BUT I BOUGHT A NECKLACE!
LOLL. it was the necklace in BOF that junpyo gave to jandi.
isnt that oh so cool. :D
well, not really.
haha. after that we walked all the way back. it was like 5km. and we took 2 hours to walk back.
but it was SOSO fun.
and after that both of them came to my house.
they painted my nails. LOLL. from silver to pink. yay.
but preferred silver D:
but it was nice. haha.

xx Rach

1:53 AM